Rabu, 24 April 2013

Step BY Step Web DesignTheory and Practices/Asep Herman Suyanto

1. Title and Statement of Responsibility Area = Step BY Step Web DesignTheory and Practices/Asep Herman Suyanto
2. Edition Area = FIRST Ed, JAN 2009
3. Material Specific Details Area = ICT STATEMENT AREA
4. Publication, Distribution, ETC., Area = Yogjakarta: CV ANDI OFFSET
5. Physical Description Area = 6. Series Area = WEB DISIGN THEORY
7. Note Area = Bibl. : -, Indeks :
8. Standard Number and Terms of Availability Area = 978-979-29-0030-9
9. Specific number area = 01287800
10. Deskripsi Area = That rapid development of web design. Web design is the art and process of creating web pages. the person who designed the web is often referred to as a web designer. IBI web design books are made in a systematic and sequential, tailored to the stage of making web soitus, includes all materials needed, especially for krbutuhan practice. To generate any spark of creativity or inspiration, is attached and the best sites are often given an award to the best site. Discussed in this book, al: porisip principles of web design, color and typography, form and lay out, the criteria for web sites, web design sofe ware, programming languages??, computer graphics category and type of image for web sites, web design practices, planning the site web, web site design, etc. DESKRIPSI BIBLIOGRAFI 1. Judul dan pengarang = Step BY Step Web DesignTheory and Practices/Asep Herman Suyanto 2. Cet/Edisi = Pertama, Januari 2009 3. Topik/Klasifikasi = TIK STATEMENT AREA 3. Penerbitan = Yogjakarta: CV ANDI OFFSET 4. Diskripsi Fisik = 5. Seri = WEB DISIGN THEORY 6. Catatan = Bibl. : -, Indeks : 7. ISBNdan Harga = 978-979-29-0030-9 8. Nomor Unik = 01286800 9. Daerah deskrepsi = Perkembangan desain web begiru pesat. Desain web adalah seni dan proses dalam menciptakan halaman web. orang yang mendesain web sering disebut sebagai desainer web. Buku desain web ibi dibuat secara sistematis dan urut, disesuaikan dengan tahap pembuatan soitus web, mencakup semua materi yang diperlukan, terutama untuk krbutuhan praktik. Untuk membangkitkan kreativitas atau pun memicu inspirasi, dilampirkan situs-situs terbaik dan penghargaan yang sering diberikan kepada situs terbaik. Dalam Buku ini dibahas, al : prinsip-porisip desain web, warna dan tipografi, bentuk dan lay out, kriteria situs web, sofe ware desain web, Bahasa pemrograman, kategori grafik komputer dan jenis image untuk situs web, praktik desain web, perencanaan situs web, desain situs web, dsb

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