1. Title and Statement of Responsibility Area = CARA CEPAT MENULIS PUISI / M. ROHMAD
2. Edition Area = First Ed, SEPTEMBER 2007
3. Material Specific Details Area = Poem Writing Statement Area
4. Publication, Distribution, ETC.,Area = JAKARTA: STUDIA PRESS, 2007
5. Physical Description Area =
6. Series Area = poem Writing
7. Note Area = Bibl. : -, Indeks : 188-189
8. Standard Number and Terms of Availability Area = 979-3760-42-7
9. Specific number area = 00231400
10. Deskripsi Area =
" RATS wrapped paperboard "
This book primarily contains a list of words grouped by rhyme (end word) was, like the suffix "us" August, angus, anus, current, wear, good, bec us, muzzle, bonus, machinations, wrap, said, snorting, rumors, coax, sniffing, paradise, focus, cork, harp, group, ha; lus, charred, remove, should, thirst, blow, humus, Draw, drip, runny nose, jerumus, kajtus, kajus, kanpus, dictionaries, boxes, cases, sternly, straight, dead, mode, smooth, diarrhea, whales, pine, faded, broken, greedy, hundred, boiled,
ringkus, formula, at the same time, census, circus, site, status, stimulus, tadarus, barren, ransom, translucent, hold, tetanus, mice, sincere, mismanagement, intestines, send, versus, virus.Yang with the suffix "us" is tercetuslah poem titled "Rats Wrapped Box", which is the author's own reflections on myself when i compile the final ini.D book author includes examples of poetry composed
by the same rhyme. With words that have been tersusunmenurut rimanya, it can be beneficial to anyone at any age and atmosphere. for a fun joke, for that would not seriously, until which inevitably it must be serious. Even for teens who love to SMS love. Quite a bit of reading samples, sample in the book, then read a list of words that you want, then enter YOUR OWN HEART REWLUNG,
then there are Countless poems that can be taken anytime and anywhere.
1. Judul dan pengarang = CARA CEPAT MENULIS PUISI/M. ROHMAD
2. Cetakan/Edisi = PERTAMA, SEPTEMBER 2007
3. Topik/Klasifikasi = Fiksi Data Area
3. Penerbitan = JAKARTA: STUDIA PRESS, 2007
4. Diskripsi Fisik = Sastra Data Area
5. Seri = Menulis Puisi
6. Catatan = Bibl. : -, Indeks :
7. ISBNdan Harga = 979-3760-42-7
8. Nomor Unik = 0231800
9. Daerah deskrepsi =
Buku ini terutama berisi daftar kata yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan rima(akhir kata)-nya, seperti akhiran"us" agustus, angus, anus, arus, aus, bagus, becus, berangus,bonus, bulus, bungkus, cetus, dengus, desas desus,elus,endus, firdaus, fokus, gabus, gambus, gugus, ha;lus, hangus, hapus, harus, haus, hembus, humus, hunus, infus, ingus, jerumus, kajtus, kajus, kanpus, kamus, kardus, kasus, ketus, lurus, mampus, modus, mulus, murus, paus, pinus, pupus, putus, rakus,ratus, rebus, ringkus, rumus, sekaligus, sensus,sirkus, situs, status,stimulus, tadarus, tandus, tebus, tembus, terus, tetanus, tikus, tulus,
urus, usus, utus, versus,virus.Yang dengan akhiran"us" ini tercetuslah syair berjudul"Tikus Terbungkus Kardus", yang merupakan renungan tentang diri penulis sendiri saat menyusun buku ini.D i bagian akhir penulis menyertakan contoh-contoh puisi yang tersusun berdasarkan rima yang sama. Dengan kata-kata yang telah tersusunmenurut rimanya, maka dapat bermanfaat bagi siapa saja di segala umur dan suasana. untuk yang senang bercanda, untuk yang tak mau serius, sampai yang mau tidak mau
memang harus serius. Bahkan bagi para remaja yang gemar ber-SMS cinta. Cukup dengan sedikit membaca conto-contoh dalam buku, lalu membaca daftar kata yang diinginkan, lalu masuki REWLUNG HATI ANDA SENDIRI, maka di situlah terdapat tak terhitung puisi yang dapat diambil kapan saja dan di mana saja.
1. Title and Statement of Responsibility Area = CARA CEPAT MENULIS PUISI / M. ROHMAD
2. Edition Area = First Ed, SEPTEMBER 2007
3. Material Specific Details Area = Poem Writing Statement Area
4. Publication, Distribution, ETC.,Area = JAKARTA: STUDIA PRESS, 2007
5. Physical Description Area =
6. Series Area = poem Writing
7. Note Area = Bibl. : -, Indeks : 188-189
8. Standard Number and Terms of Availability Area = 979-3760-42-7
9. Specific number area = 00231400
10. Deskripsi Area =
" RATS wrapped paperboard "
This book primarily contains a list of words grouped by rhyme (end word) was, like the suffix "us" August, angus, anus, current, wear, good, bec us, muzzle, bonus, machinations, wrap, said, snorting, rumors, coax, sniffing, paradise, focus, cork, harp, group, ha; lus, charred, remove, should, thirst, blow, humus, Draw, drip, runny nose, jerumus, kajtus, kajus, kanpus, dictionaries, boxes, cases, sternly, straight, dead, mode, smooth, diarrhea, whales, pine, faded, broken, greedy, hundred, boiled,
ringkus, formula, at the same time, census, circus, site, status, stimulus, tadarus, barren, ransom, translucent, hold, tetanus, mice, sincere, mismanagement, intestines, send, versus, virus.Yang with the suffix "us" is tercetuslah poem titled "Rats Wrapped Box", which is the author's own reflections on myself when i compile the final ini.D book author includes examples of poetry composed
by the same rhyme. With words that have been tersusunmenurut rimanya, it can be beneficial to anyone at any age and atmosphere. for a fun joke, for that would not seriously, until which inevitably it must be serious. Even for teens who love to SMS love. Quite a bit of reading samples, sample in the book, then read a list of words that you want, then enter YOUR OWN HEART REWLUNG,
then there are Countless poems that can be taken anytime and anywhere.
1. Judul dan pengarang = CARA CEPAT MENULIS PUISI/M. ROHMAD
2. Cetakan/Edisi = PERTAMA, SEPTEMBER 2007
3. Topik/Klasifikasi = Fiksi Data Area
3. Penerbitan = JAKARTA: STUDIA PRESS, 2007
4. Diskripsi Fisik = Sastra Data Area
5. Seri = Menulis Puisi
6. Catatan = Bibl. : -, Indeks :
7. ISBNdan Harga = 979-3760-42-7
8. Nomor Unik = 0231800
9. Daerah deskrepsi =
Buku ini terutama berisi daftar kata yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan rima(akhir kata)-nya, seperti akhiran"us" agustus, angus, anus, arus, aus, bagus, becus, berangus,bonus, bulus, bungkus, cetus, dengus, desas desus,elus,endus, firdaus, fokus, gabus, gambus, gugus, ha;lus, hangus, hapus, harus, haus, hembus, humus, hunus, infus, ingus, jerumus, kajtus, kajus, kanpus, kamus, kardus, kasus, ketus, lurus, mampus, modus, mulus, murus, paus, pinus, pupus, putus, rakus,ratus, rebus, ringkus, rumus, sekaligus, sensus,sirkus, situs, status,stimulus, tadarus, tandus, tebus, tembus, terus, tetanus, tikus, tulus,
urus, usus, utus, versus,virus.Yang dengan akhiran"us" ini tercetuslah syair berjudul"Tikus Terbungkus Kardus", yang merupakan renungan tentang diri penulis sendiri saat menyusun buku ini.D i bagian akhir penulis menyertakan contoh-contoh puisi yang tersusun berdasarkan rima yang sama. Dengan kata-kata yang telah tersusunmenurut rimanya, maka dapat bermanfaat bagi siapa saja di segala umur dan suasana. untuk yang senang bercanda, untuk yang tak mau serius, sampai yang mau tidak mau
memang harus serius. Bahkan bagi para remaja yang gemar ber-SMS cinta. Cukup dengan sedikit membaca conto-contoh dalam buku, lalu membaca daftar kata yang diinginkan, lalu masuki REWLUNG HATI ANDA SENDIRI, maka di situlah terdapat tak terhitung puisi yang dapat diambil kapan saja dan di mana saja.
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