Rabu, 06 Maret 2013



1. Title and Statement of Responsibility Area   = 

 2. Edition Area                                                       = 
First Ed, Januari 2009 
3. Material Specific Details Area                 =
4. Publication, Distribution, ETC., Area     =  

Jogjakarta: Penerbit PT Andi Offset 5. Physical Description Area                      =
6. Series Area                                               =
7. Note Area                                                  =               
8. SN and Terms of Availability Area          =

 9. Specific number area                              = 0466600
10. Deskripsi Area                                       =

GOOGLE SKETCH UP simplify and speed up drawing 3 D.SKETCH UP is a free software produced by Google. Ini9 software is intended to make 3-D sketches. This book is a workbook 2 and 3-dimensional drawing and rendering techniques that are packed in the exercises are easy to understand. Each exercise is accompanied by step-by-step process so memudahkabn readers to understand. Learn more in this book discuss about: (10. Familiar with Sketch Up, (2) how to draw and Editing, (3) gives color textures, and shadows. Reading and practicing the tutorials in this book the reader is expected to be mamp-u present 3D objects good with a relatively short time. accompanies this book CDE yng contains exercise files and file final results lay reader to make it easier to use.GOOGLE SKETCH UP simplify and speed up drawing 3 D.SKETCH UP is a free software produced by Google. Ini9 software is intended to make 3-D sketches. This book is a workbook 2 and 3-dimensional drawing and rendering techniques that are packed in the exercises are easy to understand. Each exercise is accompanied by step-by-step process so memudahkabn readers to understand. Learn more in this book discuss about: (10. Familiar with Sketch Up, (2) how to draw and Editing, (3) gives color textures, and shadows. Reading and practicing the tutorials in this book the reader is expected to be mamp-u present 3D objects good with a relatively short time. accompanies this book CDE yng contains exercise files and file final results lay reader to make it easier to use.

1. Judul dan pengarang =

2. Cet/Edisi            =
Pertama, Januari 2009
 3. Topik/Klasifikasi         =
3. Penerbitan          =

Jogjakarta: Penerbit PT Andi Offset 4. Diskripsi Fisik           =
5. Seri               =
6. Catatan                          = 
16 cm X 23 cm, 138 halaman

 7. ISBNdan Harga          = 
 8. Nomor  Unik                = 0446600
9. Daerah deskrepsi        =

GOOGLE SKETCH UP mempermudah dan mempercepat menggambar 3 D.SKETCH UP merupakan sofware gratis yang diproduksi oleh Google. Sofware ini9 dimaksudkan untuk membuat gambar sketsa 3 Demensi. Buku ini merupakan buku latihan menggambar 2 dan 3 dimensi serta teknik rendering yang dikemas dalam latihan-latihan yang mudah dipahami. Setiap latihan disertai dengan langkah-langkah pengerjaannya sehingga memudahkabn pembaca untuk memahaminya. Selengkapnya dalam buku ini dibahas tentang: (10. mengenal Sketch Up, (2) cara menggambar maupun Editing,(3) memberi warna tekstur, serta bayangan. Dengan membaca dan mempraktikkan tutorial pada buku ini pembaca diharapkan akan mamp-u menyajikan objek 3 Dimensi yang baik dengan waktu yang relatif singkat. Buku ini juga disertai CDE yng berisi file latihan maupun file hasil akhir guna lebih memudahkan pembaca awam menggunakannya.

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